Pensky Martens 75500/M

This test method covers the determination of the flash point of petroleum products in the temperature range from 35 to 360°C as per test method ASTM D93. Procedure A of D93 is applicable to distillate fuels (diesel, kerosene, heating oil, turbine fuels), new lubricating oils, and other homogeneous petroleum liquids not included in the scope of Procedure B.
Procedure B is applicable to residual fuel oils, cutback residual, used lubricating oils, mixtures of petroleum liquids with solids, petroleum liquids that tend to form a surface film under test conditions, or are petroleum liquids of such kinematic viscosity that they are not uniformly heated under the stirring and heating conditions of Procedure A.


Main Features:

Electrically heated by electronic regulator
Mounted on a case painted with anti-acid epoxy products
Calibrated brass crucible
Cover with gas ignition device allowing to ignite the testing sample by a manual trip-opening.
Motor stirrer for Procedure A and B
Air bath made in brass with external stainless steel protection cover
PT 100 probe Class A for sample temperature measuring

Unit meets requirements of the following methods:
ASTM D93-A – ASTM D93-B – ASTM D6751
EN 22719, FTM 141-4293 – FTM 791-110
IP 34-A – IP 34-B
ISO 2719-A – ISO 2719-B – ISO 15267
JIS K 2265